Syria: the unsustainable precariousness of the Idlib truce
As part of the tortuous diplomatic process of the Astana Peace Conference, the three main powers operating on the Syrian chess board (Russia, Iran and Turkey) had ...
Yemen, the forgotten conflict
The conflict in Yemen broke out in the 2014, as a result of the so-called Arab Spring, and already the following year saw the beginning of international intervention. It seems ...
ISIS, infinite Jihad
Isis, or Daesh in a derogatory sense, is a phenomenon that, to be understood by a Western perspective, must first be examined from the point of view of a Salafist, which is not easy. THE'...
Winds of war in the Chinese sea
The month of September has seen an increase in tensions between China and the United States, as they have not seen for a long time. In the first days of the month, training activities ...
Turkey: theory and practice of a coup
If in the 68 Luttwak had had the chance to analyze Turkey, he would have succeeded in making his Manual "Coup Strategy" even more interesting; indeed...
Artificial Intelligence and Dual Use in the Beijing programs
We have already talked about the Chinese commitment in the field of Artificial Intelligence (IA) both at the experimental level and in the applicative level (see article). A favorite phenomenon ...
Al-Qaeda? Silent...
In recent months, the headlines of the main Italian newspapers have focused their attention on local events: the problem of the Diciotti, the ...
Jordan, a unique crossroads of deadly breezes and stabilizing gusts
In recent months, Jordan has experienced - and is experiencing - an internal political situation which, despite itself, has repercussions in the regional area and, more widely, in that ...

Saudi Arabia: the struggle for survival
The date of September 11th every year brings us to mind as well 15 on 19 hijackers were Saudis: the ...
Libya: Can we expect something from Italy or is it better to seriously review French?
The 27 in August 2018, one of the militias that are competing for power and internal and foreign financing in Libya, the 7 ^ ...
Turkey: the asymmetric force of sanctions
Examining a phenomenon, for each researcher, is an exceptional opportunity to study on dynamic slides ...
Afghanistan: It's time to change pace
There is no day that there is no negative news from Afghanistan. The US continues to talk about how to report ...
"Made in China 2025" and Artificial Intelligence: China prepares the new industrial revolution
It is the artificial intelligence (AI) the field in which China is preparing its future global primacy and in which it is ...
Thirty in Lebanon, Moavero Milanesi in Cairo: two missions for the strategic interests of Italy
Speaking to see the minister Elisabetta Trenta take a tea with the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in ...
Chinese syndrome
In the last year, also given the profound institutional changes, the general attention has been focused on ...
The Plan B of Savona and the scenarios of the Europe of tomorrow
"Pacta sunt servanda? Yes, of course: however, when there is a minimum of loyalty on the other side. And instead, we ...
We continue the analysis of the Plan B of Savona: even the states in their small ... are broken
Urged by the many readers (thank you!) Of our previous article, we continue our analysis of Plan B of the ...
A new international order for a rising China
Like any state, China imprints its strategy to pursue its national interests, which can be traced back ...
We have tried the Plan B of Savona to put it into practice. Here's what happens ...
Look for the keywords: "Piano B Savona" on Google and you realize that five million results emerge. For...
Egypt and Italy: partners and natural allies
In recent days, a dossier has ended up on the table of the neoministro of defense Elisabetta Trenta, who has given proof ...
