Support defense online

Dear reader, Online Defense has been fighting with its own strength for ten years together with the help of some readers and sponsors.

The editorial work is gigantic, carried out with passion and perseverance MA with financial resources absolutely insufficient.

Since its inception, there have been three key points of the newspaper: qualitygratuity e maxim divulgazione information.

Here we are ALWAYS refuse to force yourself to pay to access videos and articles. We will continue to do so because we believe that information is like the air you breathe: everyone must use it freely.

The numbers have proved us right: Difesa Online counts millions of readers every year and about 10% of our articles are read abroad by compatriots and foreigners who appreciate the contents (thanks also to the multilingual translation service).

We fight for our Armed Forces as the heritage of the Italian state (and not of a single politician or party!) Telling the public truth, even when "uncomfortable".

To continue fighting in the country ofeye that does not see, heart that does not hurt we need radically more support than we have today.

"RESIST" we consider it necessary and urgent at a time like this: conflicts on the horizon and decision-makers who look elsewhere rather than at the "canvas breeches" in which Italy finds itself.

We need to raise at least 150.000 euros this year: to consolidate the editorial staff, create reports abroad and offer everyone new services and columns. It may seem like a lot but it is a ridiculous sum for a newspaper. It would be enough for 1 reader out of 100 to pay at least 6 euros a year (the cost of a pizza) to reach the goal.

The offer is free, voluntary and from now on forever ANONYMOUS (unless specifically requested to publish the name): after so many years and thousands of letters, we know that your "moral" support is very high - and for this we really thank all of our hearts - we now need "material" support to the common battle for free information in an entire shadowy world that it deserves more recognition and respect.

Help us to continue to exist as a free and independent newspaper in the Defense sector!

Andrea Cucco (director of Online Defense)

Examples of caliber

5.56 caliber
12.7 caliber
20 caliber
60 caliber
120 caliber

Make your donation

Credit Cards
By clicking the button now you will be placed at the paypal site to pay your contribution.
Credit Cards

Our donors

120 caliber
12.7 caliber
5.56 caliber
20 caliber
12.7 caliber
20 caliber
5.56 caliber
20 caliber
5.56 caliber
20 caliber
20 caliber
20 caliber
120 caliber
12.7 caliber
5.56 caliber
12.7 caliber
12.7 caliber
5.56 caliber
