Artificial Intelligence: the Cybersecurity revolution
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing cybersecurity, bringing a series of innovations that fundamentally change the way we protect our systems and data...
Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Exploits: the conditions for a compromise
The last year has seen the appearance of software issues affecting extremely popular operating systems and software libraries. Problems with effects...
Cybersecurity guides: the triad
Anyone approaching the world of cybersecurity will soon hear about the triad. This is not the infamous Chinese mafia but three related concepts that...
Interview with Marco Rottigni: The genesis of Zelda
Hi Marco, to begin with I would like to congratulate you on your third novel as well as your first solo, so to speak: The Genesis of Zelda. We have known each other for some...
Databases, information, knowledge
Ever since man began to systematize knowledge, he has had the need to classify and define the surrounding reality. To do this he introduced methods ...
Do you already know Ransomfeed?
New online services are created every day, often these are already existing services that are re-proposed in digital form on the web. Sometimes these are services of...
Retired General Paul M. Nakasone appointed to OpenAI Board of Directors
On June 13, OpenAI announced the addition of retired General Paul M. Nakasone to its Board of Directors. According to OpenAI leaders, the general's presence on the Board of Directors brings experience in...
What is Cybersecurity? An introductory guide
We hear more and more about cybersecurity, but how many are able to say what it really is? Let's try to understand it together. It seems trivial but giving a...

OWASP Day & Cyber ​​Journey
When we talk about cyber security we always think of bad computer pirates and those who, on the other side of the...
Use of 5G mobile data networks in tactical areas
Tactical communications are military communications in which information, particularly orders and intelligence...
The G7 Cyber ​​working group meets in Italy
Born in 2015 to give continuity to work on cyber policies and strategies for the financial world among...
18 May 2024: Sicynt event in Rome
On May 18, 2024, in Rome, at the Cisco headquarters in via del Serafico, the annual meeting of SICYNT will be held -...
ENISA and Cybersecurity "skill shortage"
According to what is reported in the Western media, digital society is going through a period of strong growth and...
“Metasploit”: all the exploits for the price of one
What would you think if I told you that there is a tool that brings together the most popular vulnerability techniques...
XXE injection attack: what it is and how to prevent it
When we talk about XXE injection we are referring to a very widespread web vulnerability that allows a hacker to...
Biden establishes the figure of CAIO (Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer)
Last March 28, Memorandum M-24-10 was issued, the subject of which is: "Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk...
The XSS threat and the role of the WAF
Among the cyber attacks that exploit script injection methodologies, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is certainly...
How to trick defenses to do a SQL attack with JSON
As we have seen previously, SQLi are still fearsome despite their age. If anyone missed the...
What's happening in the Linux community: xz backdoor, trust attack!
Just three days ago, on March 29, 2024, a new attack was discovered: it affected open source software that...
The risks of online exposure: the role of Open-Source Intelligence
The current world is increasingly oriented towards the digitalization of assets, such as currencies, physical properties and...
