
Online Defense

Via XX Settembre 4 - 00184 Rome

To contact the manager:

To contact the deputy director:

To contact the Geopolitics section:

To contact the Military World section:

To contact the Cyber ​​section:

To contact the address book You in Defense:

For sending Press releases or articles:

For the column "Military Life Tales":

To send books for review: "Difesa Online, Via XX Settembre 4 - 00184 Rome"

To promote your company or an event:

Except for written agreements, collaboration is to be considered a free title.

Reproduction is prohibited (even partial) texts, graphics and images, without reference to the source.

Send us your story

Life (military) is like a movie, but the protagonist is TU!

Use this address book to publish your talented military tales lived.

Take the freedom to describe a fact, an emotion. Make us laugh, move, gnaw the liver ...

Send us your memory or experience.

It does not matter if it happened today or fifty years ago.

If you want, you can sign with a pseudonym.

We guarantee the anonymity of anyone who submits a contribution and requests it.

Fields marked with * they are mandatory