The first woman to reach the rank of division general belongs to the force!
"Congratulations to the first woman in the Armed Forces to reach the rank of major general!" With these and other words of praise, Defense Minister Guido...
A NATO AWACS flies with an all-female crew
For the first time in history, on 9 February 2024, the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEW&CF) carried out a mission...
Persecution of Christians: Report 2024
“Religious freedom is an orphan right of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that is, it is very little sought after and sought after, it seems that the leaders of the UN member countries do not...
Association of black military women intervenes in favor of "affirmative action" in the US Military Academies
Recently, the National Association of Black Military Women (NABMW), an organization representing black military women in the United States, came to the defense…
Sergeant Hay makes history as the US Army's "first active-duty female sniper"
U.S. Army Sergeant Maciel Hay, a pathfinder with the 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment (1-91 CAV), 173rd Airborne Brigade, passed training…
Hamas does not want to release witnesses of its torture
In recent days, IDF reservist Shari Mendes spoke at a United Nations event in New York entitled "Hear our voices: sexual and gender-based violence...
Is there a future for fighting femicide? Interview with the lawyer Antonio Lascala (Gens Nova)
“In this case it is clear that the victim on a psychological level suffers a situation of instability, by suffering he is afraid and this helps the executioner more than by virtue of this...
Maria la Bailadora and the battle of Lepanto
October 7th is the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto and to remember the many fighters of what, however you want to consider it, was a very hard battle, I want ...

“Operation brothers”: Online Defense interviews Mossad agent Yola Reitman
The Mossad in the collective imagination is the best secret service in the world. Eichmann's capture, the War of the ...
A woman in charge of the United States Cyber ​​Command
From next October Anne Neuberger will be the new director of information security of the American National ...
Venezuela: the "Olvidado" country
In the city of Boca de Grita, north of the State of Táchira, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, a ...
Elizabeth: a capable and determined woman. Also thanks to 007 ...
The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as the "Golden Age" of English history; Elizabeth was alive ...
Women in arms: Caterina Sforza, a (forgotten) giant in the history of Italy
Unjustly not valued by the publicist, Caterina is perhaps the most important female figure in history ...
Masako: the diplomatic empress
From May 1, Japan has a new empress consort, Masako, married by the 1992 with the crown prince ...
Catherine the Queen of the State
13 April 1519, in a Florence firmly in the hands of the Medici family, Caterina was born, daughter of Lorenzo de '...
Few women in Israeli leadership?
In the last legislature, the Israeli parliament (Knesset) reached the record of the presence of women: less than ...
Will the UN admit a persecutor to the women's rights committee?
It was last March 13 that the United Nations made official the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran ...
Terrorism and myopia of the West (including Italy!). Online Defense interviews Souad Sbai
"The West and the entire international community should take an example from the moderate Arab world, which recognizes itself ...
The women of geospatial intelligence
In times past women like Marie Curie, Grace Hopper helped to become authors and at the same time a reason to ...
Barbie Cristoforetti
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of the usual game for girls Barbie, Mattel (through a ...
