"Kosovo remains a powder keg" (video)
"With our mission we have brought normality back to this country but Kosovo remains a powder keg. If we leave, I am sure that war will break out again. The...
The Russian perception of threats to its own security
Since 24 February we have returned to speaking insistently of Russia as a threat to European security. Erroneously, in fact, the attacks of the last fifteen years...
Reportage Moldova: an almost unarmed state faces Russia
The Dnestr River cuts the Republic of Moldova in two. It originates in Ukraine, where they call it the slow river. But here in Moldova, nobody uses the Russian name. For everyone it is Nistru. TO...
45 HOURS: Veterans and a deputy bring humanitarian aid to Ukraine
Meeting point in the immediate outskirts of Milan, we all come together to give the vehicles a final arrangement and leave for Ukraine. It is 8.00 am on Friday 11 ...
Special feature Ukraine: proxy war
I returned from Ukraine less than ten hours ago and I would like to give my point of view on the discrepancy between what you see in the media and what really happens in the streets ...
The 185th in Kosovo
Currently, the Italian contingent within KFOR, deployed at RS-WEST, is made up for the vast majority of men from the 185th Parachute Artillery Regiment (from ...
Priests with stars
In my experience following the KFOR military I was lucky enough to test the work of the military chaplains following the contingents in the operational theater. But let's ...
The MSU in the KFOR mission
In my activity embedded with the Italian contingent of the NATO KFOR mission, I had the pleasure and honor of spending an entire day with the carabinieri of the MSU and shooting ...

Reportage from Kosovo: interview with the commander of the Kfor mission, General Franco Federici
Currently the commander of the Kosovo Force - KFOR, a multinational contingent made up of 28 nations, is the ...
Reportage from Kosovo: what future?
It is news a few days ago of tensions on the northern border of Kosovo, after Pristina banned entry into ...
Afghan collaborators launch the latest appeals to the Italian government. Are we doing something or do we leave it to the Taliban?
“Last night was a devastating night. Five hundred Taliban attacked the city. They reached the bridge of ...
Donbass, the "Somme" of the 21st century at the gates of Europe
Four years have passed since I first set foot in Donetsk. At the time the city looked spooky. Of ...
NATO, 20 years in Kosovo with the KFOR mission
There was also Bill Clinton in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and al ...
Reportage Afghanistan: gen. Panizzi, "Training security forces is one of the best weapons to combat terrorism"
"This experience in Afghanistan is a complex and human professional challenge, unique, certainly difficult, but ...
Reportage Afghanistan: focus on Herat
Herat is the most peaceful part of Afghanistan. To the west of the country, on the border with Iran, here is the bulk of the ...
Reportage Afghanistan: Ambassador Cantone, "Pacifying Afghanistan is in everyone's interest ..."
"I've been in Kabul for two and a half years. A period that allowed me to further deepen the knowledge of ...
Reportage Afghanistan: gen. Cardea, "Pacifying also means stabilizing the borders ..."
"With regard to the resolution of the conflict in Afghanistan, regional actors are multiple, with agendas and interests ...
Reportage Afghanistan: Cripwell, "We need every single soldier now, not even one less ..."
"My job as vice commander of HQ Resolute Support in Afghanistan alternates between Italians and Britons ...
Reportage Afghanistan: Nicholson, "As a NATO general, I can tell you that it was an honor to command the Italian soldiers ..."
"I thank the Italian Armed Forces: Italian soldiers bring not only their tradition, which for centuries has formed ...
Donbass: Journey into the land of black diamonds
If you look for the word "anthracite" on the internet the first item you come across is that of Wikipedia that refers to ...
