Completed the "Force Protection Scaglia 2015"
The training activity has in fact represented a unique opportunity for the integration of different operational capacities including among them, not just those directly ...
Scrambles for the 4 ° Stormo
At 16:22, the CAOC-TJ (Combined Air Operation Center of Torrejon), ordered the immediate take-off - in technical jargon "scramble" - of the two Eurofighter fighters. The two...
Aerocooperation: the 5 Joint Combat SAR course has been completed
The training process, open to the military of all the armed forces, is developed in two phases: the first, purely theoretical phase at the School, involves the administration of ...
The students of the "Douhet" fly on gliders
The course, lasting two weeks, combines the activity of flying with Twin Astir gliders with the possibility of closely observing life inside a flight department ...
Emergency transport from Brindisi to Rome
The request for transport, made by the Prefecture of Lecce to the Situation Room of the Rome Air Squad Command, which ordered the immediate execution of the flight, was made ...
Exercise "Foce Verde 2015"
The event, organized on the stretch of sea in front of the coast in the “Foce Verde” area, at the extraordinary AM detachment of the 4 ^ Telecommunications Brigade and Systems for ...
The Military Air Force wins the Intermediate Trophy 2015 in the Taranto stake
The 1 Marshal Lieutenant Pasquale Cardetta and the 1 Marshal Fabio Carpone, members of the SVTAM crew, took part in the race that took place on Saturday 20 ...
Humanitarian flight for urgent transplantation
A Falcon 50 aircraft from Ciampino's 31 ° Stormo landed in Brindisi in the middle of the night where he boarded the patient and then transported her to Turin for the next ...

The 46ª Air Brigade celebrates the 75 years
The event was also attended by the commander of the aerial team, Maurizio Lodovisi, the aerial team general, the ...
Command to the 9ª ISTAR-EW Air Brigade
The greeting, organized at the commander's office, was an opportunity for a brief but ...
"A tree for a child" in Poggio Renatico
Taking inspiration from the 113 / 92 law, as a result of which the Municipalities plant a tree for every child born the year ...
"Scramble" on Italian skies
Once in the area concerned, the fighters identified the airplane as a civilian Gulfstream CL5T aircraft. The order...
Last greetings to one of the unofficial officers of the Regia Aeronautica
Marshal Autorino, the only survivor of the fall of a Fiat BR20 bomber in Voroscilovgrad (Ukraine), ...
Concluded the 1st "Full D" course at the 9 ° Stormo
This course included for the first time the simultaneous teaching of BLSD techniques (Basic Life Support –...
C-130 of AM carries patient in bio-containment
A C-130 aircraft of the 46 ^ Pisa Air Brigade flew to the military airport of Pratica di Mare (Rome), and ...
AM and CC sign an agreement on the asbestos remediation
The act was signed, for the Italian Air Force, by the general inspector Pierluigi Ciardelli, head of the 2 ^ Division ...
The Air Force at the "EATT15"
EATT15, which takes place from 15 to 26 June, involves over 2500 people and 20 assets from 11 countries: - Belgium (a C ...
Patented 12 new riders at 70 ° Form
During the ceremony, airplane pilot badges were given to five Kuwait Air attendees ...
Flight hospital: newborn transported from Cagliari to Rome
The transport request, made necessary to guarantee the immediate patient specialized medical care, ...
After the 8 ° course Remote Sensing Interpreter (RSI)
In the five weeks of the course, the notions useful for obtaining a vision of ...
