The course is attended by 15 pilots, navigators and remotely piloted aircraft operator systems from all the Combat Forces Command Departments.
The course, organized upon request shared by all the Departments of Attack, Air Defense and Reconnaissance of the Armed Forces, arises from the need to evolve the same training profile to a level more adequate to the knowledge and to the TTP (Technical Tactics and Procedures) which it is expected to observe in the Armed Forces in front of a capacitive package of weapon systems technologically advanced and potentially still expandable in terms of operational use.
This type of highly specialized training, in addition to raising the qualitative level of the capacitive output in terms of effectiveness of use of the weapon systems, will also allow to invest in the selected personnel, also capitalizing in terms of subsequent employment with Institutions / Operative Staff in quality of activity managers such as analysis, planning, "tasking and decision making process", or as "decision makers".
The Instructor of Tire and Tactics, similar to the professional figure of "Weapon Instructor" recognized throughout the world, will therefore be trained to the right level to operate and use complex weapon systems, integrating in a structured way all the connected activities, that is implementing them effectively in the Armed Forces planning and deployment process. All this raising the operational and technological know-how necessary for the purpose of better standardization and general effectiveness of use for the aerotactic lines of the Armed Force.
The course is divided into various phases starting from the common theoretical one, lasting five weeks, which will see the involvement of various AOS bodies, including the Air Operations Command of Poggio Renatico, the Electronic Warfare Technical Support Department of Pratica di Mare, the Experimental Flight Command of Pratica di Mare, the Didactic and Managerial Training Department of Florence and the Interforce Intelligence Center of Ponte Galeria, with the significant added value of the experiential baggage shared by highly specialized personnel in the various sectors of competence .
The process will then continue with specific theoretical and flight phases of the line to end with a common phase of flight envisaged in the context of some exercises already planned by the Armed Forces for the 2015, on the sidelines of which the qualification of Shooting Instructor will be achieved. Tactics.
Source: 6 ° Stormo - Ghedi - magg. Massimo Cionfrini