Establishment of the 4 ^ Telecommunications and Systems Brigade for DA / AV


On Thursday 19 February, at the “Aristide De Vincenti” base in Borgo Piave (Latina), the formal ceremony for the establishment of the 4 ^ Telecommunications Brigade and Systems for Air Defense and Flight Assistance took place.

The Ente, pole of excellence of the Armed Force in the maintenance sector of the Italian Air Force, has been renamed from Department to Brigade by decree of the Chief of Staff of the AM last December 15.

The event, which was attended by the Chief of Staff of the Logistic Command, General of Air Division Stefano Fort and the commander of the 3 Division, Brigadier General Massimo Berti, took place in the presence of the bishop, Monsignor Massimo Crociata, of the prefect of the province of Latina, Dr. Pierluigi Faloni, of numerous civil and military authorities, of the vicar delegation of Rome of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and of the relatives of General Aristide De Vincenti, to whom the Base of Borgo Piave is today entitled.

The Brigadier General Giuseppe Sgamba, commander of the newly formed Brigade, opened the ceremony, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the authorities for the trust given to him, expressing pride and a sense of responsibility in receiving the inheritance of values ​​and results of excellence achieved during 60 years of the institution's history and noting how "the staff of the 4 ^ Brigata are strong in their past, they are ready to look to the future and achieve increasingly ambitious goals, in the spirit of the Aeronautics motto: With Value towards the Stars! ".

During the event, the experience of the Air Force in the space field was highlighted through the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Walter Villadei, qualified "cosmonaut" in the 2012 at the Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center in Russia, which he wanted to highlight as his own the professional contribution provided by the 4 ^ Brigade has been a major role in the European Space debris and Tracking program, which recently concluded through the use of the RAT 31DL Radar system present on the site of Borgo Sabotino (LT).

The commemoration of General Aristide De Vincenti, which in the Fifties led the constitution of a technical-training pole dedicated to the training of personnel and the study and development of the Radar technique which in the post-war period entered as a fundamental instrument for the defense of the National territory. The sons of the former commander, Claudio, today Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Paolo, an engineer, and Giorgio, an ordinary at the University of "Roma Tre", thanked the Armed Forces "for the exciting day and the clear proof the spirit of service to the country that animates the Air Force and its ability to combine history and vision of the future ".

Air Force General Stefano Fort, in his final speech, wanted to acknowledge the pivotal role played by the staff of Borgo Piave which deserve credit for having always operated with great professionalism and a sense of duty and having made the Brigade a center of excellence in its field of expertise. This is also thanks to the precious legacy left by the generations of men who have served in the body in its previous denominations, since the far-sighted activity carried out by General Aristide De Vincenti, and which will now be able to look to the future with renewed ambition and confidence.

Source: 4 ^ BTSDA / AV - Borgo Piave (Lt) - cap. Domenico Guarino