Mediterranean Security: the contribution of the Air Force
The number of interventions carried out during national maritime surveillance missions in the Mediterranean is growing. The latest activity in chronological order saw the ...
Change at the command of the 31 ° Stormo
Thursday 9 July, in the presence of the commander of the Air Squad, general of the air squad Maurizio Lodovisi, of the commander of the Support and Special Forces (CFSS), general ...
Aid Mission for a HCDXUMXA of the MICCD
On the morning of Wednesday 5 August, the Rescue Coordination Center of the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) requested the intervention of a MICCD HH212A helicopter for the ...
92 years Genius and Aeronautical Commissariat
To the messages of the Chief of SMA were also added those of the Chief Inspector General Francesco Langella, Head of the Air Force Corps, and the General Inspector Arnaldo D '...
Raiders Raiders are trained at the CIGA
The activity was organized and carried out at the request made by the 17th Wing to meet the need to acquire the knowledge and skills of cartography and ...
Cooperation between T-346 AND F-2000 continues
F2000 line ITT course, which is held by the 20 ° Group, marks a turning point towards a greater in-depth study and standardization of all the operational capabilities rendered ...
MART 2015 Tutorial at 3 ° Stormo
The final objective of the exercise was to create a cohesive and operative team specialized in the activity of Aircraft Recovery. The first practice event took place ...
Flight hospital from Cagliari to Florence to save newborn
The aircraft is expected in less than an hour at the Tuscan airport, from where together with the child's parents and the medical team on board they will continue by land towards the center ...

Emergency flight from Bari to Naples
Emergency medical transport, requested by the Prefecture of Bari, was coordinated by the Situation Room of the ...
Command change at 32 ° Frost
The event, chaired by the commander of the Air Squad, air squad general Maurizio Lodovisi, accompanied by ...
The cap. Cristoforetti in Italy after the return from space the 11 last June
General Preziosa congratulated the officer for the activities carried out during the "Future" Mission, for ...
Aerocooperation School: completed the 3 ° GEOBASIC course
The purpose of the GEOBASIC course was to provide the visitors with the ability to consult and use ...
Visit of the Argentine military agent at the 4 ° Stormo
Colonel Ferrari had represented the need to better understand the organizational structure of a Wing, ...
The Deputy Chief of Staff of the AM visits the TFA in Lithuania
General Magro, welcomed by the TFA commander Colonel Vito Cracas, has reviewed the staff ...
Sea Practice: recovery exercise at sea
The plan provides for the execution of periodic tests to test the first aid procedures on the occurrence of a ...
The c.te of NATO Rapid Deployable Corps visits the Cameri base
Upon his arrival, General Marchiò was received by the head of the Cameri Aerotactic Aircraft Center ...
Change of command at the Douhet
At the ceremony, attended by the prefect of Florence and by the air division general Gian Franco Camperi, commander ...
The European Personnel Recovery Center has been inaugurated
With these words, the Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, Pasquale Preziosa aerial team general, has ...
Awarded a Solemn Encomium to the AM Band
All the orchestral staff of the AM Band took part in the event, as well as many of the former ...
Completed the "Trident Joust" 2015 exercise
The main objective of the activity was to test, within the framework of the NATO Response Force, the capacity ...
