11 July 1915: Operation of landing at Pelagosa
- the explorer Marsala, flagship (rear admiral Enrico Millo, commander of the operation); - the Quarto in support of the auxiliary cruiser Città di Palermo which ...
11 July 1911: Authorized purchase of the area for the Navy Ministry
The building area chosen is the one located in Rome at Lungotevere Flaminio in the area called "Villa Cavalieri" at a unit price not exceeding 40 lire / m2 and for a ...
Commemoration of the fallen of the "Lyra 34"
The ceremony was attended by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Laura Boldrini, accompanied by the ambassador of Italy in Sarajevo, dr. Ruggero Corrias, together ...
Kosovo: aid for the construction of a road in Goradzevac
The work aims to improve the connections between the agricultural area and the main road network, and was financed by CIMIC civil-military cooperation. At the ceremony ...
Change of command at the Douhet
At the ceremony, attended by the prefect of Florence and by the air division general Gian Franco Camperi, commander of the Institute of Military Aeronautical Sciences (ISMA) of ...
Awarding patents to new Army Aviation pilots
Army Aviation Commander, gen. d. Antonio Bettelli, after a brief intervention he pinned on the chest of the Corsican head "the eagle with the torch", symbol of the pilots ...
EXPO Milano 2015: Convention on Crime and Food Safety
The initiative, which is part of the activities (debates, round tables, setting up exhibition stands, etc ...) promoted by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry ...
10 July 1910: Allocated funds for the air component
Given the full and effective collaboration existing in the aeronautical field between the Navy and the Army (the flight crew is of the two FF.AA., with a prevalence of Navy officers), at ...

10 July 1897: First earth-earth radiotelegraphic experiment
[Guglielmo MARCONI had come to Italy in June at the express invitation of Minister Benedetto Brin to continue the ...
5 Towers 2015: between past and future in the places of the Great War
The Chief of Defense Staff, General Claudio Graziano, the Chief of Staff, participated in the final day ...
The European Personnel Recovery Center has been inaugurated
With these words, the Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, Pasquale Preziosa aerial team general, has ...
Italy assumes command of the amphibious force and Italian-Spanish landing
The change occurred with the symbolic exchange of the SIAF-SILF banner between the Spanish admiral Antonio ...
Lebanon: donation in the village of Qana
The ceremony was attended by the director of the hospital, who expressed gratitude for the support of ...
Lebanon: General Portolano visits ITALBATT
Accepted by Colonel Giovanni Biondi, commander of ITALBATT, General Portolano received an update ...
Awarded a Solemn Encomium to the AM Band
All the orchestral staff of the AM Band took part in the event, as well as many of the former ...
Army military schools at the end of the summer tactical campaign
An innovative project of joint activity that has seen the two teams of students and students train alongside ...
9 July 1912: Flight accident for Guidoni
Pilot and mechanic, unharmed, are rescued by the battleship Dante Alighieri which was carrying out tests of ...
9 July 1912: Falco and Liguria in defense of Crete
The response of the Admiral Council to the provocation is immediate: the torpedo boat-warning Falco, the ram ...
Blasters, EOD intervention in Mantua
The bomb, an American-made 100 pound bomb aircraft of the type AN-M 30 GP with high loading ...
The 2015 Headlight Service Campaign for navigational safety
The Headlights and Maritime Signaling Service is responsible for the correct functioning of the aids to ...
