Lebanon: General Portolano visits ITALBATT


(Al Mansouri) Division General Luciano Portolano, UNIFIL head of mission and force commander visited, at the Al Mansouri UNP 1-26 base, the ITALBATT Task Force based on the Genoa Cavalleria Regiment (4 °).

Accepted by Colonel Giovanni Biondi, commander of ITALBATT, General Portolano received an update on the operational activities conducted by the Italian and Serbian peacekeepers belonging to the Task Force which was also able to subsequently greet by expressing to them words of appreciation for the efforts made in this delicate mission.

"The situation of stability, albeit volatile, since it is based on delicate balances, is not the result of chance but deriving from the synergistic work of all the components of UNIFIL, especially thanks to the precious commitment of the tactical component of which you are part. , with a great spirit of self-denial and in the common perspective of the full implementation of Resolution 1701 ". With these words, General Portolano concluded his visit, not after paying his homage to the Regiment's banner, inserted as a maneuvering unit in the Joint Task Force Lebanon - Sector West, based on the "Friuli" Aircraft Brigade, at the helm of the general by brigade Salvatore Cuoci.

Source: UNIFIL