10 July 1910: Allocated funds for the air component


no allocated 10.000.000 lire to be entered in the estimates of expenditure of the Ministry of War for the EF 1909-1910 for the construction of airships, airplanes, related installations, works, transport and special allowances to personnel. These are the construction and acquisition of nine airships, ten airplanes, seven airports ("yards", according to the vocabulary of the time), two airports.

Given the full and effective collaboration in the aeronautical field between the Navy and the Army (the flight crew is of the two FF.AA., with a prevalence of Navy officers), the Navy is assigned two "M" type airships and three aeroscali - Taranto , Jesi and Campalto (Mestre) - the latter in condominium with the Army.

[The classification of airships, which will become effective in the 1911, divided them into "P" (photos), small (about 4000 m3); "M", medium (about 10.000 m3); and "G", large (around 20.000 m3). The airships built in Italy were almost all of the semi-rigid type, ie with partial armor]

Source: Military Navy