Lebanon: donation in the village of Qana


Shama, In recent days, the Italian contingent of UNIFIL, based on the "Friuli" Aircraft Brigade, delivered eight hospital beds to the "Governmental Hospital" in Qana, donated by the "Rotary Club Mede Aureum".

The ceremony was attended by the hospital director, who expressed gratitude for the support of the Italian contingent to the local population.

The commander of Sector West of UNIFIL, General Salvatore Cuoci, wanted, with a letter, to personally thank the Rotary Club Mede Aureum, emphasizing that their gesture will allow the increase of the possibility of hospitalization of the hospital of Qana, structure that is between the few, within the Lebanese health organization, have a public vocation and receive and care for free Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian patients.

Furthermore, General Cuoci stressed that donations make it possible to consolidate relations with the territory, to bring comfort and help to those in greatest need and to increase the consent of the local population towards the work of the Italian contingent present in Lebanon.

The donation is part of the full implementation of the 1701 UN Security Council resolution of 2006, whose key element is support for the population and local authorities.

Source: UNIFIL