Change to "Guides"
Colonel Angelo Malizia took over from Colonel Diodato Abagnara. Colonel Abagnara leaves the command of the regiment after a year of intense training and ...
Mare Nostrum: The rescue of the weekend
Between Friday and Sunday evening, more than 2500 people were assisted by ships engaged in the Mare Nostrum operation, including the frigates Aliseo and Fasan, the Corvette Sfinge and ...
04 happened on August 1903: First conference on radiotelegraphy
On the other hand, given the state of the art of radiotelegraphy, it was not possible to establish precise rules for communications that were independent of the type of equipment ...
GPS IIF-7 in orbit
The GPS IIF-7 was embarked on an Atlas-5 rocket from Cape Canaveral, it is the seventh of 12 that Boeing has built for the US Air Force and the third launch of this ...
Immigration: Arrested 7 Egyptians
An interviewed migrant said: “Through facebook, and precisely on a page dedicated to Syrian refugees in the world, I learned that there was the possibility of ...
AMX rushes, unharmed the pilot
The pilot, captain Francesco Sferra, 35 years, in service to the RSV, was recovered from the local 118 immediately after the launch. It is in good condition; he himself warned of ...
Volunteers swear in firm prefix of the 2 ° 2014 block
The men and women of the 2 block 2014, in the presence of the war flag of the 17 regiment "Acqui", decorated with the military order of Italy, of a gold medal, three of ...

"Steel Avalanche" for Superga
During the exercise and in the progressive development of subsequent self-assessments, the regiment applied on ...
They said of him: Revel's Thaon
In the work "The naval war in the Mediterranean (1914-1918)" by Paul Halpern, published by the Naval Institute Press of ...
Unifil: General Portolano meets the industry commanders
During the visits, the force commander and head of mission, general of division Luciano Portolano, met the ...
The 01 August 1904 Happened: Fine Dolphin Upgrading
Subsequently, from the 17 to the September 27, the boat will be relocated as a trailer of the high-sea towboat Ciclope ...
General Philip Breedlove visits KFOR
During the meeting the General Farina, from September to head of the NATO mission, and the international staff of the ...
Ended in Naples the lighthouse campaign of ship Levanzo
The medes are an artificial reference point anchored to the bottom by a boulder - weighing seven tons in ...
Lampedusa: the army mission on the island is over
The mayor of Lampedusa and Linosa Giusi Nicolini and the commander of the group "...
The 30 July 1900 Happened: King Killing of Umberto
The Military Newspaper for the Navy and the order books of the ministry will respectively bring the cover page and ...
Army and red cross, together for training
Among the over forty camps set up on a national scale, also in Basilicata, in the city of Potenza, the "Young ...
Suez Canal: the second time for Doria ship
Ship Andrea Doria, under the command of vessel captain Gianfranco Annunziata, heads for Jeddah (Arabia ...
The Incursori train themselves to the avionola
The activity, aimed at the release of aviation qualifications in the Technique of the Free Fall (TCL patent) and ...
CIMIC activities in favor of Kosovars
Through the realization of projects and donations of essential goods in favor of populations, the CIMIC has ...
