Army and red cross, together for training


The national inspectorate of young people of the Italian red cross, for the fourth consecutive year organized in collaboration with the ministry for youth, the Campus Giovani.

Among the more than forty camps set up on a national scale, also in Basilicata, in the city of Potenza, the "Young IDEA" campus saw the participation of many young people between the 14 and 20 years from different regions of Italy who, thanks to this initiative, they approached the Red Cross and the Italian army for the first time.

In fact, the military command in the army that in Basilicata operates under a consolidated collaboration with the Italian red cross, at the invitation of the latter, provided its didactic and informative contribution, dedicating an entire day to the discussion of topics of health and institutional interest .

The training course of the young CRI volunteers was extensive and articulated. In addition to addressing the issues covered by the IDEA campaign (Hygiene, Diet and Nutrition Education), they focused on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and on emergency management together with notions of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Interesting and very relevant is the delicate subject illustrated by Dr. Emanuele Venezia, leader of the health service of the army about the use and abuse of alcoholic and narcotic substances that increasingly interest young age groups .

An interesting debate arose during the meeting, which showed particular appreciation for the valuable information acquired as a tool for future information and prevention. The second part of the meeting was characterized by the presence of the Infoteam of the Basilicata military command that thanks to the human and professional experience of its members, it has provided all the indications relating to insolvency and professional opportunities for those young people who wish to pursue a career as a professional in uniform in the army.

At the end of the event, Sister Lioi, provincial inspector of volunteer nurses, thanked Colonel Barba, military commander of Basilicata for the precious and constant opportunity for training and collaboration provided by the army.

Source: Army 'Basilicata' Military Command