The Navy engaged in the rescue operations of the Norman Atlantic
Nave San Giorgio, which manages operations at sea, recovered people on board 85. In the area, helicopters and navy vehicles (including patrol boats and ...
"Wings Of Gold" for an officer of the Navy
Lorenzo Petrini, however, arrives at this result after a difficult journey, during which he put all his willpower into play, to overcome an obstacle that seemed ...
Happy birthday Ship Aviere!
Initially this unit (together with its sisters the Grenadier, Bersagliere and Artigiliere) was designed and built for the Iraqi navy: on board, in fact, a wooden plaque ...
Comsubin, patented two raiders
The event, unique in the history of Comsubin, made it possible to revive the house of the Salviati estate that hosted the officers, non-commissioned officers and sailors of the ...
The mobile information center of the Marina on tour
21 Franciacorta Outlet Rodengo-Saiano (BS) 22 and 23 Sarnico (BG) 27 and 28 Novara, Corso Cavour; 29 and 30 Verona, Piazza Bra.The mobile information center has been set up as a ...
The students of the naval academy at the Quirinale for the honor guard
In this context, the students had the opportunity to live a unique and uplifting experience, during which they were confronted with the values, traditions and principles present ...
The students of the naval academy train themselves in the topographical march
The latter represents, in fact, an elementary practical training carried out annually by the students in a context different from the academic environment which has the purpose of ...

On Bettica, a new search and rescue lighthouse in Japan
The lighthouse, installed in the counter-plank and controlled from the bridge by a special control panel, is equipped with ...
Italian sport recognizes the activity of competitive sports in the MM
A recognition that comes to 60 years since the birth of the sports and sailing section, 40 years after the Silver Star, and ...
Marina Militare and University of Siena together again for the Plastic Buster
Nave Rimini in fact conducted, in the 10 and 11 December days, environmental investigations in some points identified by ...
(Update) MM: fight against corruption - "Ghost Ship" operation
The administrative transparency and the strict behavior of its staff remain firm points within the ...
"The Mediterranean must not become a sea of ​​death"
These are the words with which the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, welcomed the Chief ...
The Underwater Operating Group receives a diploma of merit
The Scudi Institute of San Martino was born in Florence in the 1983 with the aim of increasing the acts of human solidarity ...
Migrant 278 Reliefs
On board the Etna ship, in the health screening and judicial police operations, the doctors of the ...
Idria Prize awarded to the Mare Nostrum crew
This year the award was given to the navy crews, citing the motivation: "For the ...
Comsubin: six new divers have been patented on board the ship Anteo
The ceremony for conferring the blue beret from Palombaro was carried out on board the unit in order to highlight the ...
In Brindisi chosen the navy rifleman and the sergeant of the year
The appointment took place in the presence of Rear Admiral Rosario Walter Guerrisi, commander of the San ...
Marina San Marco Brigade, the 2 ° Boarding Team module ends
Based on the experience gained during the 1 ° module, the 2 ° has been further integrated with the training ...
The Montenegrin marina welcomes Cavour ship
An exchange of intent and procedures was the focal point of this Balkan stage, which saw the participation of ...
