The students of the naval academy train themselves in the topographical march


On the days of 13 and 14 December on the Livorno hills, between Valle Benedetta and Colognole, the students of the 1 ^ class of the naval academy participated in the usual topographical journey preparatory to the more complex activity that will be developed in Brindisi with the San Marco marine brigade.

The latter represents, in fact, an elementary practical training carried out annually by the students in a context different from the academic environment which has the aim of bringing out and evaluate teamwork and leadership skills.

The program of the activity was divided into a first theoretical part on the basic elements of the topography and, subsequently, in the activity "on the field" with the students divided into patrols.

In planning, the staff of the 1 ^ class was assisted by two non-commissioned officers of the San Marco marine brigade, currently employed in the naval academy as instructors of "Combat Military Combat". Their expertise, combined with a great passion for the profession, contributed in a decisive way to the success of the activity and above all to the involvement of the students who showed enthusiasm from the first moment.

The young "cadets", confronted with a first "operational" mission, had to take the necessary decisions to safely guide their staff in completing the march, "tasting" so some aspects that will be studied in depth during the training activity of " Arte del Comando ”, which will take place in Massafra in February 2015. An essential activity, therefore, a further moment of growth for the students, an indispensable step in the academic training started in September and which will lead them to become official prepared for the challenges of the future.

Source: Military Navy