The students of the naval academy at the Quirinale for the honor guard


Last Sunday the students of the 2 ^ class of the naval academy of Livorno and the Adamastor course assumed the responsibility of the Guardia d'Onore service at the Palazzo del Quirinale. The activity is included in the training course of the naval academy, which brings our young people with their talents and energy to be official in the service of the country.

In this context, the students had the opportunity to live a unique and edifying experience, during which they were confronted with the values, traditions and principles present in the places of the highest institutions of the State.

"I am proud to have been a guard of honor in the building that is a symbol of our history. I am convinced that the memory of these days will always remain indelible and will accompany me throughout my professional life. It does not happen to all my peers to be able to defend, even only symbolically, the palace of the President of the Republic, for this and other experiences and adventures that I have the opportunity to live every day, I thank the academy and the navy ".

With these words the student of the 2 ^ class Riccardo Luzzi expresses the emotion and satisfaction for the important task performed.

The solemn guard at the Quirinale was not the only activity that saw the "elders" of the Adamastor course as protagonists; during their stay in Rome, the students visited places of capital interest, both from a professional point of view - such as the commanding officer of the naval squad and its operations center - and also of ethical-military importance, such as the Altar of the Fatherland with the annexed Memorial of the Flags.

In summarizing the fundamental aspects of the activity carried out, the commander of the course Adamastor - corvette captain Alessandro Trivisonne - highlighted how indispensable, for the purposes of training the naval officer, is a first great contact with the sacredness of the pivotal places of our Country.

In the naval academy the training must be complete and in addition to the technical-professional aspects it is essential to take care and sensitize the student on strong ethical principles, which are acquired also by coming into contact and serving in places such as the Altare della Patria and the Quirinale.

Source: Military Navy