07 happened July 1900: Approved sending troops to China
The Navy proceeded to hire four steamers, three to be used for the transport of troops and the fourth to transport coal, food and equipment. The steamers used were ...
06 happened July 1891: Varata Nave Sicilia
4 entered service on April 1895 carried out most of the service in the Mediterranean both for national defense activities and with international naval forces; both for...
06 happened July 1866: Persano urged to combat
Admiral Persano is urged to take to the sea to look for the enemy in his waters and the relative instructions are delivered to him. The next day Persano will send to ...
The 05 July 1889 occurred: Collision Folgore and Bausan
The Folgore (left) suffered very serious damage as the bow of the Bausan (right) penetrated the hull for 1,5 m, bending the propeller shaft. Towed to ...
The gen. Bellini donates the jacket from POW to the air force
The event took place in the Hall of Heroes of Palazzo Aeronautica, in the presence of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Pasquale Preziosa, team aerial general, and ...
The engineers of the 4 regiment are responsible for a fire
Colonel Pisciotta, commander of the 4 ° genius guastatori, present on the site, ordered the immediate intervention of the military and at the same time were alerted ...
"Land of fires": the fight against the abandonment of waste is intensified
Yesterday afternoon in Naples, in the Scampia district, a man who was leaving various material (two mattresses and a wire mesh) in a landfill was stopped ...
Protests at the Afghan embassy, ​​the military intervene
The patrol, employed by the brigade command "Granatieri di Sardegna", head of the group, managed the presence of about thirty demonstrators, of nationality ...

The position of "chief engineer" passes to the non-commissioned officer
Among the most significant variants, one of the most important tasks, that of the ship system service manager -...
After 45 years, the gathering of the 1 ° Course cartographers
After 45 years, its visitors decided to meet again at the Information Center ...
Exercise concluded for "Savoia Cavalleria"
The continuous patrol activity, which took place following an airborne attack in the area of ​​the province of Siena, had ...
Collaboration ENEA / MM: coral at 600 meters depth
This activity, carried out off Monte Rosso in favor of the marine environment research center of La Spezia, has ...
The 85 ° "Verona" honors its fallen on Mount Pasubio
The regiment commander, Colonel Gianfranco Giuseppe Francescon, and a representation of officers, ...
Joint Rapid Response Force: 11 ° sharpshooters in action
Taking advantage of the nearby training areas, the 11 ° bersaglieri has developed exercises at the team level, platoon and ...
The 4 ° regiment of genius breakers intervenes
The sappers intervened the June 26 in the municipality of Monreale (PA), and exactly on Monte Petroso in the hamlet ...
The guides lined up for the immigrant emergency in Salerno
The "Guides" have organized rest areas sheltered from the sun and collaborated with the police in the reception and ...
Fire fighting course at the RUA
The theoretical-practical training activity, developed over three days and coordinated by instructors from the specialist school ...
03 happened July 1888: The longest ocean campaign
[The cruiser Flavio GIOIA was launched at the Castellammare shipyard on 12 June 1881, which entered service on the 26 ...
Tactical campaign for the "Nunziatella"
In three weeks of intense training, students were taught the theoretical and practical concepts of ...
