The Mistral frigate receives in Livorno the future officers of the MM
The occasion has been exploited to allow the students of the first class of the normal roles, of the body of staff, to have their "first approaches" with a gray ship ....
Marina San Marco Brigade, ends military combat stage
The program and techniques were initially developed during the 1 ° supplementary module for the boarding teams and disseminated during the internship to all designated instructors ...
Genoa, the divers from Comsubin to help the population
The men of the navy divers operating group (GOS), were among the first to rush to the aid of the people of Genoa, to remove water and mud, which they ...
Trilateral exercise in Italy and the USA for the removal of explosive devices
The purpose of this activity is to train operators IEDD (Improvised Explosive Device Disposal, improvised explosive devices) and CMD (Conventional Munitional ...
Launch ceremony of the S-528 submarine "Pietro Venuti"
This, in short, is the message of Minister Pinotti on the occasion of the launching ceremony of the submarine "Pietro Venuti", which was held in the Muggiano shipyards. The unit, ...
Il cacciamine Milazzo collaborates with the Parthenope University
Nave Milazzo, last 6 October, sailed from the port of Naples with a team of researchers from the department of sciences and technologies of the aforementioned Neapolitan university, and ...
Comsubin diving in Iceland for the Northern Challenge exercise
From the 24 to the 29 August, the divers of the Underwater Diversion Group of COMSUBIN, who are trained and trained to perform the tasks of the institute assigned by the State ...
Nave Caio Duilio meets the Luna Rossa Challenge team
The sailors and technicians of Luna Rossa, who first received some officers on board in their avant-garde port facility, then returned the visit to the Duilio. There...

Comsubin's divers return to the wreck of the Rabbit Island
One year after that immense maritime accident, in the presence of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, on ....
This year 'submariner profession' also from VFP1
30 are, in fact, the seats made available in the last call for tenders for the VFP1 of the navy, expiring ...
Mare Nostrum: seized fishing boat and stopped 16 smugglers
Of particular value, also for the purposes of collecting evidence, was the occult surveillance carried out with ...
Do you want to become an Incursor or Palombaro?
Now also the possibility of becoming: Incursore: operator of the only department of forces has been extended to the VFP1 ...
Gold and new world record for the navy in Montpellier (France)
The athlete of the Agonistic Sports Center of Maricapitale (Rome), contributed to the conquest of three medals in the ...
UNITAS-55 multinational exercise in pacific ocean
Italy was represented by the frigate captain Antonino Catalano and Lieutenant Biagio Martella ...
The navy at the 54 ° Genoa Boat Show
The public and young people in particular can confront and establish a dialogue with specialist personnel (pilots, ...
The second group of Maristael helicopters is 50 years old
At the military ceremony the commander of the Navy air forces took part, rear admiral ...
The steamer Polluce continues to return his treasures
The operation (video) was conducted by the Anteo ship and the divers operating group (GOS) of the command divers and ...
Doria ship in the Gulf of Aden: Antipiracy and cooperation
As soon as it arrived in the IRTC (International Recommended Transit Corridor), the unit immediately carried out a RAS activity (...
Ducati motorcycle rally at the submarine base in Taranto
To offer an unprecedented setting for the event, the modern submarines, Scirè and Pelosi, and the submarine school, a flower to ...
The hydrographic activity of Magnaghi ship
Since then, the unit, with its 123 crew members, sails each spring to conduct surveys for the upgrade ...
