Afghanistan, Salma dam: Italian advisors supporting Afghan forces
In recent days an important activity of assistance to the staff of the 207 ° corps of the Afghan National Army (ANA), which saw the protagonists of the men of ...
Air Force, published strategic doctrine up to 2030: no new fighter, but a mysterious drone will be produced
It's called "Penetrating Counterair" or PCA and is the only platform, still covered by military secret, which will enter service with the Air Force by 2030. It has been published ...
Telespazio France and Airbus Defense and Space will provide a satellite maritime surveillance service to the French Navy
The French Navy has awarded a four-year contract to a consortium formed by Telespazio France, a subsidiary of Telespazio (a joint venture between ...
Think of the Middle East with the help of Ralph Peters
What we are witnessing in the Middle East is only the latest development of a conflict, yet another, within the Muslim world; the evolution of a crisis caused by factors not only ...
Syria. The role of Israel and contacts with Al Qaeda
The role of Israel in the current Syrian crisis is basically a low one. By extension, all of Tel Aviv's foreign policy towards its neighbors (and its neighbors) Arab countries ...
US Defense: The AH-64E Apache is the first command platform for drones
Apache helicopters deployed in Afghanistan continue to successfully test MUM-T technology. The Manned-Unmanned Teaming program grants a rider who is on ...
Chilean international cooperation is increasingly active
The civil war in the Central African Republic, which began in early 2013, caused the deaths of around 6500 people, around half a million displaced people and the ...
Emergency medical transport from Sardinia with Falcon 50
In the early afternoon today a young 25-year-old patient from Pattada (SS), hospitalized at the “A. Signs "of Ozieri for a neurological pathology, was transported ...

Combined impact exercise in Monte Romano
In recent days, the "Granatieri di Sardegna" brigade conducted the exercise ... in the Monte Romano range (VT)
Submersible profession: training systems (1 ° part)
"The three essential elements to get anything worth having are: first, hard work, second, ...
"Scramble" for the Eurofighters of the 4th Wing
This morning at 12.30 around two Grosseto Eurofighter fighters from the Grosseto airbase, home of the 4 ° Stormo,
ISIS: after 13 years, a US aircraft carrier launches an attack from the Mediterranean
The USS aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman has recently carried out the first air strike against targets of the Islamic State since ...
Submarine evacuation trials for Italian and Israeli sailors
One of the institutional tasks of the Navy divers is to rescue the personnel locked up inside the ...
The wind of the East
The moral and material expiry that has marked Russian society in the first decade after the collapse of the empire ...
The return of Vietnam changes Southeast Asia. Cap. 2: Hanoi regional power (end)
Since the time of independence, relations between Vietnam and its neighborhood are fraught with tensions. It was so ...
US Navy, rotation of forces against ISIS: the USS Eisenhower underway
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) has left Norfolk and is en route to the Middle East ....
The Egyptian flag flies on the helicopter carrier denied to Russia
The Egyptian flag now flies on the first Mistral-class helicopter carrier that France originally built for ...
Recognized the Armenian genocide. Germany turns its back on Turkey
Germany recognizes the extermination of the 1915 Armenians perpetrated by the Ottomans. Also Berlin is so queued to (...
Exercise in front of the Tunisian coasts
Italy, France, Portugal and Spain - the four nations belonging to the multinational maritime force "EUROMARFOR ...
Scramble for the EFA of the 36 ° Stormo
Wednesday at 18.00 from the Gioia del Colle air base, home of the 36 ° Stormo, two Eurofighter fighters from ...
