Evolution of the threat in maritime scenarios
The worsening of the Middle Eastern crisis, following the terrorist attack of 7 October 2023, led to the renewal of old frictions that had never really subsided and favored the...
6 Nations Women's Rugby
The partnership between the Army and the Italian Rugby Federation is consolidated with the opening and third half of Italy-Scotland, in the name of sharing values ​​and ideals. The ...
The Army at the Padua Marathon
The Army took part today in the 24th edition of the Padua Marathon, with a large representation of over 130 participants from the Northern Operational Forces command, led by...
The final phase of Operation Snake Eater is underway
Last Saturday, at the end of a 24-hour cyber competition and a 4-month targeted training activity, the 10 teams from the Training Institutes of the...
The Air Force at the 5th edition of the “Italian Concrete Days” fair-exhibition
The fifth edition of the “Italian Concrete Days” fair-exhibition ended on Saturday 20 April at the Piacenza Expo, an international event dedicated to ...
Joint course for antidrone operators
In recent days, the 15th course for Counter Mini/Micro Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operators concluded, held at the Counter Mini/Micro Aircraft Center of Excellence...
The “Pinerolo” bomb disposal squad removes explosive devices 90 meters underground
In recent days, a complex clearance activity from war devices found in the area of ​​Cassano delle Murge, within the grave of Pasciuddo, at a...

"Tempering steel" exercise for the "Ariete" brigade
As part of the force preparation activities, the 132nd "Ariete" armored brigade conducted, with the...
Wednesday 24 April at 21.00 pm "Interview with General Bertolini: is the common man dual use?"
"You must therefore know how two generations fight: one, with laws; the other, with force. That first...
The Houthis and the war on commercial traffic
In a recent article, US Naval War College professor Kevin D. McCranie compared the Houthis' action...
The “Adherent Support” exercise concluded
The "Adherent Support" exercise was concluded, aimed at increasing the operational capacity of the force packages...
The Taurinense brigade celebrates 72 years
Last April 15th, on the occasion of the anniversary of its reconstitution, the Taurinense Alpine Brigade celebrated...
NATO Noble Blueprint 24 exercise concluded
The Noble Blueprint 24 exercise, a preparatory training activity for...
Tuesday 23 April at 21.00 pm "Is Italy at risk? (as well as itself)"
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has launched a diplomatic counter-offensive calling for sanctions against...
Even GAIA doesn't go on strike (but speaks)
In a world where the politically correct or the politically "appropriate" dictate the rules of information and...
Djibouti: carabinieri train the canine units of the local Gendarmerie
The carabinieri of MIADIT Somalia (Bilateral Training Mission of the Somali and Djiboutian Police Forces)...
911 Emergency - between US Departments: opportunities and training (first part)
We have seen them so many times in action in films and TV series that we feel like we have always known them... but in reality...
Poland: Bersaglieri at the NATO exercise “Saber Strike 24”
The Bersaglieri of the "Garibaldi" brigade take part in the "Saber Strike 24", one of the largest exercises of the...
Lebanon: UNIFIL, joint exercise between Italy and France
The Blue Helmets of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade concluded a joint training session in recent days...
