F-35: if you gave up the invisibility the alternatives would not miss
Invisible to radar, with the most advanced avionics ever installed on a fighter, with F-16 operating costs and capabilities plus those of short takeoff and vertical landing of the AV ...
Directed by Afghanistan: the Italian protection of the skies
On the elections scheduled for the 5 April and which will designate the successor of Karzai, in Afghanistan, one eye is on the sky. A "winged keeper" who observes and scrutinizes, with ...
Basic course on demodoxalogy: 3 lesson - information manipulation
Welcome to the third lesson, here we explain how a newspaper is structured, what press agencies are and how we can hide or dope certain news. The goal is ...
Direct from Afghanistan: delivery passes between "Aosta" and "Sassari"
"Afghanistan has become a more autonomous country, a place where it is now possible for stability to become lasting". He is optimistic about the future of Afghanistan, the ...
Basic course on demodoxalogy: 2 lesson - propaganda
The second lesson deals with the fundamental aspects for understanding propaganda, advertising and public opinion. It also explains how to get data ...
Directed by Afghanistan: alternatives (TOA) in progress
The bitterness of having lost two Folgore boys in the Afghan theater, together with other 51 dead colleagues to fulfill their duty, but also the satisfaction of having left ...
Direct from Afghanistan
At 15 kilometers from Herat, in the village of Camp Arena, the soldiers of the Isaf mission are waiting to return home. After the closing of the last advanced base, that of Shindand, ...
Demodoxalogy, the Italian OSINT (Open Source INTelligence)
Francesco Bergamo, esteemed colleague and researcher of demodoxalogy, will explain in a simple and effective way the reading of open sources (newspapers, books, public speeches, ...

Shahid's profile between training and tactics
Becoming a martyr, or rather a human bomb, is not just a religious or political choice, but it is above all the result ...
137 ° anniversary of the foundation of the ACISMOM Military Corps
The 29 January of the 1877 from the idea of ​​some Italian Knights of the Order of Malta was born the Military Corps. Yesterday, in ...
The "Day of Remembrance" according to Online Defense
Yesterday the day of memory was ritually celebrated. An appointment in which even the experience of the 700 ...
Report from Kosovo by Daniela Lombardi
A winning weapon does not necessarily have to hit the barrel. This seems to be the lesson that teaches ...
The Libyan soldiers train them (also)!
The 9 January arrived in Italy about 340 Libyan military who will play, at 80 ° Regiment Training ...
Islam in Italy, a growing phenomenon with terrorist risk
The Islamic presence in Europe in the contemporary era is characterized by three major waves: the first occurred after ...
