The primary objective of the training activity was to consolidate and increase the integration capabilities of the Special Operations section of the Air Force, in a complex scenario specially created for the occasion, through the conduct of a wide range of operations to land and in flight.
The training activities were also integrated with those conducted in parallel by the Deployable Air Component Command Center, a NATO command located at the Poggio Renatico base (FE).
This interaction and coordination, implemented right from the mission planning phase, has allowed an effective integration between the activities carried out by the ground and air components dedicated to Special Operations and by the combat and support assets which in carrying out their Air Mission have profitably supported the "Special" mission. With the Composite Scaglia the logistical support capabilities for this type of activity were also tested and further developed: indispensable support where it is necessary to employ the forces dedicated to the OSes engaged in this training activity.
As regards the Forces dedicated to the OS, various Departments of the Italian Air Force took part in the training: the 9 ° Stormo di Grazzanise (CE) with HH-212 helicopters and an aliquot of Air Riflemen, the 15 ° Stormo Combat SAR (Search and Rescue - Search and Rescue) of Cervia with HH-139 helicopters, the 16 ° Stormo "Protection of the Forces" of Martina Franca (TA) with Riflemen of the Air personnel, the 17 ° Stormo "Incursori" of Furbara ( RM) and the Dog Center of Grosseto. In addition to these, all employees of the 1st Air Brigade, the 46th Air Brigade of Pisa, the Experimental Flight Department and the 3rd Wing of Villafranca (VR) also participated with assets for the rapid refueling of helicopters in isolated areas or from aircraft. -130J.
The activity carried out was very intense even if partly conditioned by adverse weather conditions, which however did not affect the goal of making a consistent number of assets from heterogeneous realities operate in a harmonious, synergistic and integrated manner.
The 1ª Special Air Brigade Special Operations has the task of ensuring the training and training of surface and air forces in its dependencies, in order to make available to the Armed Forces and the Country a complete ability to plan and implement special operations both in a national and international context, perfectly integrable with the capabilities expressed by the other Armed Forces of the State and NATO.
Source: 1ª Special Operations Air Brigade - Cervia (Ra) - cap. Marco Miserini