Caserta: the 11 ° course Volunteers in SPE


On Tuesday, 188 volunteer troops from the Italian Air Force were incorporated into the Caserta Specialist School for course attendance.

Attendees, coming from the Volunteer School of Truppa of Taranto where they carried out the first phase of the course, were divided into the categories Armament, Chemistry, Commissariat, Aeronautical Construction, Electronics, Infrastructure and Plant and Operational and Logistic Support and will attend an entry course in permanent service of 15 weeks.

The program of studies of the course foresees the development, application and learning of military, cultural, technical-professional subjects and practical instructions on the systems that will help the users to develop the acquisition of an adequate preparation to be employed according to the needs of the Armed Forces and to deal with any subsequent specialization / professional qualification courses.

The Specialist School of the Italian Air Force, depends on the School Command AM / 3 ^ RA of Bari and provides for the military, cultural, technical-professional and moral training of the Specialists (sergeant students, sergeants and volunteers of permanent service troops), staff non-governing Armed Forces interested in a process of conversion / professional qualification and of "Aircraft Maintenance" of other Armed Forces and Police Forces.

Source: Aeronautica Militare Specialist School - Caserta - magg. Pasquale Naiolo