2015 Sportswomen at the AM Marshal School


On Friday 20 March, during a simple ceremony, the Ludi Sportivi 2015 of the Marshal School of the Air Force and of the Viterbo Airport opened, "3 ° Giulia Incisa Della Rocchetta Trophy".

The ceremony was presided over by the commander of the School, Colonel Paolo Briancesco. Also present were the three courses in education, gymnastic instructors, a representative of the permanent staff, as well as a school group from the middle schools of Paola (Cs) on an educational visit to the Department.

The ceremony opened with the execution of the Anthem of Italy which was followed by the reading of the "promise of the athlete" by the eldest student of the School, Marshal 3 ^ cl. 15 ° course Normal Municipality Michele.

Subsequently, Colonel Briancesco intervened who recalled the importance of games both from a physical-sporting point of view, as they allow participants to improve their performance and move their limits forward, and from an ethical point of view. - military with a substantial strengthening of the spirit of the Corsican and the spirit of the body. At the end of the intervention, the commander officially declared the Ludi Sportivi 2015 open.

The event this year is dedicated to the memory of the chosen aircraft Giulia Incisa Della Rocchetta, a flyer of the AM Sport Center in Vigna di Valle, who died in June of the 2005 in France during the International Sailing Championships.

Course-goers will face each other in the next few days in the three compulsory individual tests of flat running (100 meters), flat running (2000 meters), swimming (50 meters CRAWL). The scores won in the following team competitions will then be added to each individual event: Basketball Tournament, Volleyball Tournament, Relay 4 x 100 meters flat, Relay 4 x 400 meters flat, Race 6 x 2000 meters flat, Swimming relay 6 x 50 CRAWL.

Source: School of Marshals AM - Viterbo - magg. Maximum Children