The recruitment notice for Fuciliere dell'Aria personnel was announced by the Directorate for the Employment of Military Personnel of the Air Force (DIPMA); the search, which took place between the soldiers already in service, was addressed to staff aged no more than 35 years, lower officers of the Role of Arms in Permanent Permanent Service (SPE) and troop in SPE, belonging to any category / specialty, as well as VFP4 in the second year of firm.
The overflowing military 40s, in possession of medical fitness, underwent tests and evaluative interviews of the psychic attitudes, carried out by selection experts of the Guidonia Selection Center (Rome). Afterwards, the technical members, formerly Fucilieri dell'Aria, have validated the physical tests of ascent to the rope, swimming and floatation, transport of injured, tractions to the bar, bending parallel and 5000m floors, as well as professional technical knowledge in the Territory Defense field.
The selected personnel will be called shortly at the 16 ° Stormo to attend the course for the qualification of Air Rifleman, held by the FCA instructors of the Survive Training Group To Operate / Force Protection (STO / FP), the articulation of the specialized Department in training in the "Land Defense" sector. An intense training process, aimed at ascertaining the spirit of adaptability, balance, promptness, as well as the ability to operate in different scenarios for prolonged periods.
At the end of the course, the new Fucilieri dell'Aria will merge into the Fucilieri Battalion, which is the strictly operational component of the 16 ° Stormo, with the task of ensuring medium / short range defense of installations and assets of the Italian Air Force, both in national territory than abroad.
In addition, from the 16 February to the 25 March, at the Martina Franca Department, training modules were held in favor of the Air Riflemen of the 16 ° Stormo "PF" and the 9 ° Stormo of Grazzanise (CE). The concepts learned during the courses allowed the Rifilieri dell'Aria to enrich the baggage of technical knowledge of personal defense and hand-to-hand combat, indispensable for fulfilling, in safety, the assigned missions. In fact, the soldiers of the 16 ° Stormo are frequently engaged in escort and protection tasks that do not involve the use of weapons.
In particular, the courses have qualified "Military Instructor of Moving, Action and Surprise (MAS)" some Riflemen who will develop training programs for the management of critical situations, of a physical and psycho-emotional nature, in operational settings, for the benefit of FCA personnel as well as Terrestrial Defense personnel of aeronautical installations.
From the 10 March, the instructors of the STO / FP Training Group take care of the 24 ° Course for the attribution of the "Terrestrial Defense" specialty, in favor of the Volunteers of the role in Permanent Service (VTSP), which will end the next 30 March. The same VTSP visitors have followed lessons on the "MAS method", to acquire some basic techniques and skills of self defense, in support of the technical and professional baggage to be used in the field of Terrestrial Defense.
Source: 16 ° Stormo Martina Franca (Ta) - chap. Massimo Battista