The head of the Lithuanian SMD at the Italian Task Force


Yesterday, the Task Force Air (TFA) in Lithuania received a visit from the Lithuanian Chief of Defense Staff, major general Jonas Vytautas Zukas.

The Lithuanian Authority was received by Colonel Marco Bertoli, Detachment Commander (Det-Co) of the Italian TFA operating since 1 January 2015 in the Baltic area for airspace surveillance.

Colonel Bertoli illustrated both the Italian detachment structures and the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft, highlighting the role played daily by the Air Force personnel present in Lithuania to ensure aerial surveillance of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia 24 skies hours a day, ready to intercept any aircraft that violates Baltic airspace.

General Zukas thanked the Italian staff who are making an important contribution to the Baltic republics.

Source: Public Information Office - Rome - magg. Davide Tortora