Deepfakes: the art of creating "fake authors" at the time of artificial intelligence
In recent years, the development and implementation of deep neural networks has accelerated the development of applications capable of recognizing in ...
Vulnerability ALARM: CVE-2021-44228, "Apache Zero-Day Log4j" for friends!
Once again the world of computer technology is shocked by the discovery of a vulnerability spread across a huge amount of computer systems, according to some ...
CyberSecurity and Health
Cyber ​​attacks on healthcare infrastructures are intensifying in number and quality and are increasingly successful, bringing to the fore the need for ...
Fighting the bad guys in a structured way
The world of technology, more particularly that of cyber security, is now full of acronyms and acronyms that make a dialogue between practitioners in the sector seem almost a ...
Ethical Biohacking and Supply Chain
Since I was a boy I have been intrigued by Bioengineering so much that it has become the specialization of my course of study in Electronic Engineering. Later, my ...
With SICYNT 250 children are more cyber-safe
December 7, 2021, 6.40 AM, somewhere near a Milan that for the most part still sleeps, considering it is the day of the Patron Saint Ambrose. Temperature close to ...
Smart Working and Cybersecurity
Smart Working, a very popular term in the last year and a half, is the new way of working that involves different categories of workers due to the current health crisis ...
NATO Strategic Concept: the renewal process begins
Is the security context defined in November 2010 in the NATO Strategic Concept document still valid? What are the new challenges that over the course of more than ten years, you ...

Keraunos: the interception-proof satellite link
"One of the projects that will contribute to the superiority of our armed forces". This is what the minister said ...
Cyber ​​Deterrence: UK and India fight together. Italy?
Today's war, the one that is fought with no holds barred in cyberspace (or through it), has not been won since ...
Near Field Communication: the cyber threat we carry in our pockets
As part of the prevention of attacks on industrial information assets carried out during a ...
The Smishing, this unknown
Black Friday is approaching, a commercial event of American origin but which due to globalization ...
Trojan Source Attack, what is it?
How about if it were possible to trick compilers into producing binaries other than logic ...
Cybercriminals vs Pirates
We live in really interesting times: exactly ten years ago the US Department of Defense defined the domain ...
Network systems automation techniques
The reference to the use of automation techniques and possibly AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become ...
The Strange Case of Spongebob's GreenPass
A couple of days ago, while I was having breakfast, I received a message on my smartphone saying “Good morning ....
NATO Strategy for Artificial Intelligence
On 21 October 2021, the defense ministers of NATO countries approved and released, for the first time, the ...
October, Cyber ​​Security month
Online Defense and SICYNT united in the month of Cyber ​​Security invite you to share the ABC of Security on ...
The impact of artificial intelligence on intelligence analysis
Let's go back to the discussion, only mentioned in a previous article, relating to the role of Artificial Intelligence in ...
The evolution of the Operating Systems
The computer as we know it, that is a small and relatively inexpensive device, capable of ...
