Military intervenes to prevent the illegal spillage of waste
During the patrolling of the territory between the provinces of Naples and Caserta, the soldiers of the Campania group in service under the "Safe Roads" operation have ...
The "Pinerolo" returns from Afghanistan
Today in Bari, at the "Briescese" barracks, the ceremony to greet the return of the "Pinerolo" soldiers from the mission in Afghanistan, called Resolute ...
Successfully completed the blasting operations of a war device
At the request of the Ancona prefecture, a team of bomb technicians specialized in the deactivation of chemical loading bombs intervened to carry out the operations of ...
Scholastic orientation: the Army in the front line
It is time for educational guidance for young boys and girls of all levels who are making important choices for their educational life and ...
The canine units of the Army in the railway stations of Central Italy
At the request of the prefecture of Grosseto, 4 binaries of the Army of the Military Veterinary Center and specialized in the search for explosive materials, are ...
Change at the command of the Grenadiers
In the "Gandin" barracks of Rome, headquarters of the command of the Granatieri di Sardegna brigade and of the 1 regiment of the Grenadiers of Sardinia, today took place the ...
Change of the commander of Safe Roads Rome
This morning, at the barracks "Gandin", during the traditional moment of the solemn flag-raising ceremony, the group leader of the group "Lazio, Umbria ...
Completed specialization courses for light arm explorer and heavy armored explorer
The specialization course for the task of light armored explorer and the specialization course for the ...

Medal to the veteran of Acqui
In recent days, the ceremony in honor of the infantryman took place at the conference room of Palazzo Caetani in Fondi
"Safe Roads": seven kilograms of drugs seized at the Brenner railway station
An army military patrol in competition with the border police at the Brenner railway station ...
The head of SMD at the Grenadier Guards
The staff of the Lazio Umbria Abruzzo group, led by the Granatieri di Sardegna brigade, engaged in the ...
HYDRA 2016 tutorial
As part of the training activities, the 3 ^ Alpine Regiment redeployed at the military polygon of ...
Italy and Albania in training
Patrol activities, interdiction and area interdiction, observation and acquisition of objectives ...
NATO to the railroad genius
In recent days a delegation of officers of the Military Engineering Center of Excellence (MILENG - COE Centro di ...
Change at the Kurdistan Training Coordination Center
The exchange ceremony of the commander of the Kurdistan Training Coordination Center (KTCC ... took place in recent days
After the exercise "STANTA II"
A section of parachutists of the 185 parachute regiment "Folgore" concluded, at the ...
Numerous interventions for the more than 2000 men and women involved in the Safe Roads operation in Rome
Intense and profitable, on the eve of the Christmas festivities, the activity of the over military army 2.000 ...
Holy Mass in suffrage for the soldiers of the Apulian Army who died at home and abroad
Today in Corato, in the Sanctuary "Maria SS Incoronata in San Cataldo" in the presence of the territorial commander of ...
Awarded to the "Julia" Brigade the European certification "EU Battlegroup Package"
The European Union Certification was conferred today at the Operational Command of Vertice Interforze (COI) ...
Division General Claudio Berto at the Cesano Infantry School
It took place yesterday morning, at the "s.ten. MOVM Ugo BARTOLOMEI" barracks, the site of the Infantry School, the visit ...
