Numerous interventions for the more than 2000 men and women involved in the Safe Roads operation in Rome

(To Army Majority State)

Intense and profitable, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, the activity of the more than 2.000 Army soldiers involved in the "Safe Roads" operation in competition and jointly with the Police Forces in Rome, Lazio and the nearby regions of Umbria and Abruzzo .

Numerous interventions carried out by the personnel of the Armed Force to counter illegal situations. In particular, an attempted murder was foiled at the CARA of Castelnuovo di Porto, where the grenadiers of the 1st grenadier regiment of Sardinia intervened together with the carabinieri inside the Center, to proceed with the arrest of an extra-community of Eritrean origin who seriously wounded a fellow countryman in the abdomen with a knife.

At the Colosseum, the soldiers of the 185th "Folgore" paratrooper artillery regiment reached, immobilized and assured the state police officers a Bengali on the run who had stolen a mobile phone from a couple of tourists, while at the subway stops " Repubblica "," Barberini "," Spagna "and" Ottaviano ", the soldiers of the Army have blocked and insured to the police some minors responsible for having stolen several foreign tourists.

At the Termini station and at the "Colosseo" metro stop, Army patrols rescued three women attacked for the purpose of theft and arrested their respective attackers. Finally, huge quantities of narcotic substances found following checks by the soldiers on duty at the "Repubblica" stop, at the "Stella Polare" interchange in Ostia and at the CARA in Castelnuovo di Porto were seized, as well as weapons and blunt instruments, detained illegally, at the "Battistini" underground stations; "Flaminio" and in Piazza del Popolo.