Japanese bombers in WWII: the "Rikko"
The twin-engine Mitsubishi G4M, nicknamed by the Japanese Rikko and Betty by the Americans, was one of the most important bombers of the Japanese Empire in the Second World War...
The armored cruisers of the Imperial German Navy: the Scharnhorst
The Scharnhorst and her twin Gneisenau were among the most powerful and strongest armored cruisers of the Imperial German Navy, and at the beginning of the First World War they...
August 21, 1984: "Operation Red Sea"
The laying of mines in the Suez Canal and in the Red Sea had created a specific problem of international security which, although it was not immediately evident due to the great...
The armored personnel carriers of the Red Army - the KV-1 tank
The KV-1 tank (Kliment Vorosilov 1) can be considered the first Soviet heavy tank of modern design; was born from the experience drawn from the use of the T-35, the...
Benedetto Brin's Italy: gradualism, strength and will
Can a country that is small in economic, political, military and diplomatic strength emerge from its condition of minority? Yes, provided that whoever directs it knows how to think and execute plans...
The battleships of the Imperial German Navy: the cruiser Derfflinger
At the end of the XNUMXth and the beginning of the XNUMXth century there was a heated naval rearmament race between the German and British Empires (German naval rearmament strongly desired by the...
The armored component of the Russian Liberation Army in WWII
During the Second World War, Hitler's Germany engaged in a merciless struggle with the Soviet Union that largely went beyond the confines of the mere "clash of ...
The Croatian armored component in World War II
Following the bloody and victorious military campaign conducted in the period between 6 and 18 April 1941, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was overwhelmed and erased...

The Slovak armored component in World War II
In 1939 after the partition following the Munich agreements and the subsequent absorption of the remaining Czech lands and…
The Bulgarian armored component in WWII
The role of Bulgaria in the Second World War has never been the subject of particular interest, at least here in…
The Italian armored component on the Russian front
On 22 June 1941 the Armed Forces of the Third Reich began the so-called "Operation Barbarossa", the ...
Warships of the Confederate Navy: Battleship Arkansas
I have had a strong interest in the history of the United States of America for several years now; in particular I...
Young Italians at the front
I would like to share with you readers again (as already in a previous article) the letter of a young soldier...
The Necchi of the Grenadier
In the depths of Oltrepò Pavese, at the foot of the Apennines that unite Lombardy, Emilia, Piedmont, and...
December 19, 1941: the Company of Alessandria
In the night between 18 and 19 December 1941, 6 raiders of the Navy carried out the enterprise of ...
Letter from the front
I share with the readers of Difesa Online the letter of an Italian soldier written to his sister during his period ...
"Warships do not emerge from the bosom of the waves"
The issue of the moral and material usefulness of historical studies must be handled with extreme caution, also because in ...
A success of pragmatism: a brief history of Racconigi's Italian-Russian agreement
In this short article we will briefly analyze one of the most underestimated agreements in historiography ...
The Maritime Military Arsenal of Taranto turns 133 years old
The Maritime Military Arsenal of Taranto was inaugurated, in the presence of King Umberto I of Savoy, on 21 August 1889, for ...
Battle of mid-August, 1942
The history of the operation baptized by the British Pedestal, in Italy passed down in history as the Battle of Mezzo ...
