The Italian colonial question and the diplomatic clash for control of the Mediterranean (1945-1951)
Among the main issues that arose at the table of the peace treaty between Italy and the Allied countries, there was the colonial question. Military operations of the Second ...
When the Italians met the Russian tanks. The first encounter in Serafimovich's loop (24 July-2 August 1942)
Where the Don draws a bend in the stretch between Satonski and Serafimovich (Russian Fed), the first battle of encounter between the Italian armir units and the Russian tanks took place ....
The Moskova 1812
Of all the battles fought by Napoleon, that of Borodino, or otherwise called by the French historiography of La Moskova, was certainly the bloodiest and fiercest ...
March 28-29, 1941 - The Battle of Cape Matapan
On the afternoon of March 28, 1941, upon returning from an action in the waters of Gaudo in the south of Crete, the Italian naval team was subjected to a series of air attacks from ...
18-19 December 1941: the Alexandria Company
In the night between 18 and 19 December 1941, 6 raiders of the Navy carried out the Enterprise of Alexandria, to the detriment of the British fleet in the Mediterranean (...
60 years ago the Luigi Rizzo frigate, the first ship of the Navy with a flight deck
The Luigi Rizzo frigate, the first ship to 'host' a helicopter component on board, has gone down in history for the Italian Navy. Built in the historic shipyards of ...
November 27, 1940: the battle of Capo Teulada
The battle, also known as Capo Spartivento, represents one of the first Italian responses to the "Taranto night" of the previous 11 November. Already on November 17th the team ...
1918: The Italian "western front"
When in March 1918, Lieutenant General Alberico Albricci received the order to leave for France, or rather for the western front, all the powers involved in the conflict ...

November 6, 1881 - 2021: 140 years of history of the training of naval officers in the Naval Academy
140 years ago, on November 6, 1881, the Naval Academy was born, a training institute heir to the ancient traditions ...
The last days of El Alamein
In the first days of November 1942 the decisive attack of the British forces against the now disastrous ...
103 years ago, Navy men sank the battleship Viribus Unitis
On a moonless night, between October 31 and November 1, 1918, one of the most memorable feats of opera ...
Marconi class, the Italian nuclear submarine attempt
In the late 50s many nations both in Western Europe and beyond the Iron Curtain were conducting studies ...
The other 11 September
The 11th and 12th September 1683 takes place victoriously for the Euro-Christian forces, led above all by the king of ...
Bonaparte the Muslim
In 1797, Directory France had finally found its hero: General Bonaparte. Appointed commander ...
1991: The coup that (not) changed history
A quotation of uncertain attribution, but often overused in the most disparate historical contexts, states that ...
Soviet centrifuge: the characters born from the decline and collapse of the USSR
If you change the mission of the empire, the empire is lost. And if you don't even realize you are doing it, then not only will you lose it ...
The United States and intelligence: from the origins through the OSS
For some time now I have begun to develop a certain interest in the world of intelligence, and in particular ...
Chile, 11 September 1973: the day of the coup
The Chilean coup is the violent outcome of a match, the most important moves of which were all made by ...
The story of Caprilli - how strategic interests changed the face of horse riding forever
I assume that most of you readers of this article have, at some point in your life, witnessed ...
June 18, 1815: the beginning of the end
This year, remembering the Battle of Waterloo has a completely different flavor. It is the year of the bicentenary of ...
