Visit of the Deputy Commander General of the Carabinieri to KFOR

(To Greater Defense)

Armed Corps General Antonio Ricciardi, Deputy Commander of the Carabinieri Corps and commander of the mobile and specialized units of the Carabinieri, visited the NATO mission Kosovo Force (KFOR), in which the Carabinieri of the Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU).

Once arrived in Pristina, General Ricciardi was received at the multinational headquarters "Film City" by the commander of KFOR, general of division Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta who presented the current operating situation, highlighting the role of KFOR as a key element in the process of stabilization of the Balkan area.

During the visit, General Ricciardi met the Carabinieri of the MSU to whom he addressed words of appreciation for the commitment and dedication that they demonstrate daily in carrying out their task in favor of the entire population of Kosovo.

La Multinational Specialized Unit, composed of carabinieri, represents the tactical reserve of KFOR and is also responsible for the surveillance of the Austerlitz bridge, on the river Ibar, which divides the city of Mitrovica into two, a symbol of ethnic and social separation not yet fully resolved.