Nave Libeccio ends its commitment to the Atalanta operation

(To Marina Militare)

Nave Libeccio has officially ended its commitment to the anti-piracy operation Atalanta.

At the end of a period of about 4 and a half months, off the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean, the unit is preparing to return home, after having carried out various tasks: friendly approaches on local boats dedicated to fishing, assistance to the national and international merchant shipping in transit in the Gulf of Aden, sessions of local maritime capacity building in favor of the navies of the coastal countries of the area of ​​operation and assistance to the Christian communities present in the area of ​​operations and to the community of Djibouti.

In the last phase of the operation, Libeccio ship was also called to perform the task of flagship of CTF 465, with Admiral Stefano Barbieri on board, who commanded the unit from between 2055 and 2006.

The period of employment as flagship gave the ship the opportunity to implement and improve its capabilities to support an on-board staff. Leaving Djibouti, under the command of the frigate captain Cristo Salvatore Traetta, Libeccio ship hands over to the other units of TF 465, which will continue their anti-piracy activity in the waters of the Indian Ocean.