Lebanon: The Italian contingent inaugurates a soccer field

(To Greater Defense)

The last project inaugurated by the Italian contingent of the Sector West of UNIFIL, on a Brigata Friuli basis, before returning to Italy, it was a football pitch built in the village of Qana, in the province of Tiro.

On the occasion of the ritual greetings, the mayors of the municipalities of the Sector West of UNIFIL, of the cities of Tire and Tibnin, handed over to General Cuoci the keys to their city as a sign of gratitude and affection of the population towards the Italian military for the many projects carried out in favor of the local population.

General Salvatore Cuoci, particularly honored and flattered by the gratitude of the local community, underlined how the confidence building - that is the process of building mutual trust between the parties - is a process that requires mutual patience and transparency, and highlighted how the fate of Lebanon is at the heart of every Italian soldier and of all UNIFIL peacekeepers, finally formulating on behalf of of all the personnel the best wishes for the future of their country.