Visit of the Pakistani delegation to the logistic command of the Navy

(To Marina Militare)

As part of the cooperation activities between the Italian and Pakistani Armed Forces, a meeting between experts of integrated logistic support was held in Naples from 13 to 16 December 2021, under the aegis of the Navy General Staff. The Pakistani delegation, composed of the cdr Omer Zia Siddiqui and the lt cdr Ammara Imtiak Khan, coming respectively from the sector Naval Configuration Management Agency (NCMA) and the logistics command of the Pakistan Navy, was welcomed in Naples at the Admiralty headquarters in Via Santa Lucia, by the Logistics Commander Admiral Chief Inspector Giuseppe Abbamonte who in welcoming the Pakistani officers, underlined the importance of growing collaboration between the Armed Forces of the two countries.

In the conference room of the officers' club, representatives of the Pakistani delegation met professionally with sector specialists from the logistics command. To coordinate the work, the ship captain Lucio Piva, del logistics engineering department.

During the event, a narrative and exhibition dialogue developed in which many issues were addressed, including the contractualization of operational availability, the analysis of the life cycle cost of naval units, the management of obsolescence, methods support and the characteristics of the software platforms used by the parties.

The delegation was then accompanied on a visit to Giugliano, on the outskirts of Naples, at the factory of the Electronics Division of the company Leonardo SpA., national leader and one of the major international players in the aerospace, defense and security sector.

After an introductory presentation on the company, the delegation visited a number of departments including areas of excellence for Testing and Repair of Microelectronics, Training Center, and demo systems for the Tele-monitoring, Tele-control e Tele-diagnosis, which represent innovative solutions for military applications, both in terms of support and training.