Libeccio ship in NATO exercises for the crew and the San Marco marine brigade team

(To Marina Militare)

Nave Libeccio left the port of Cagliari on January 23 to join the group of units of the Standing NATO Maritime Group two (SNMG2) and participate in the naval operation in the Mediterranean Active Endeavor, which is used to monitor, control merchant traffic and ensure the safety of navigation.

The frigate immediately entered the heart of the activity, with an exercise for the crew and the specialist team of the San Marco marine brigade on the German ship FGS BONN which, for the occasion, simulated a merchant ship intent on suspicious activity. The exercise is intended to train teams in the procedures for checking the identity of crew members of a ship to be inspected, shipboard documentation and ship premises. In this way, operational procedures are shared in the sector of the fight against terrorism and the safety of the seas and the operational integration between the crews that will operate together in the coming months begins.

Nave Libeccio has a crew of 190 between men and women, with the specialized teams and means of the San Marco marine brigade and the air component of the Navy and operates, together with the other NATO countries, including Canada and Germany, to counter the network of international terrorism.