MARICENDRAG trains Nave Tullio Tedeschi

(To Marina Militare)

On 24 February, at the Naval Station of La Spezia, the first "training recall" of Vessel was completed Tullio tedeschi, second unit of the UNPAV class (High Speed ​​Multipurpose Naval Units), under the leadership of Mine War Training Center (MARICENDRAG). The unit, which belongs to COMSUBIN, underwent an intense period of training at sea and in port and, with the support of the Centre's instructor staff, was able to achieve the training objectives, achieving full operational capability at the end.

The crew has completed various exercises within a multi-threat scenario, through a training program of increasing difficulty and focused on precision navigation and emergency management, in particular on the reaction to an asymmetric surface threat and ship control damage following an onboard hit, as well as managing a CBRN (Chemical Bacteriological Radiological Nuclear) event.

The activity carried out shows once again the versatility of use and the training skills of the instructors Mine Warfare Training Center, even outside their main field of expertise. Professionalism thanks to which the Command of Mine Countermeasure Forces conducts those activities related to the education and training of the crews of dependent naval units in tasks of primary importance such as the conduct of specialized courses in mine countermeasures, safety (fire, anti-leakage and chemical, bacteriological, radiological and nuclear) at the employee's Security Center. As well as the preliminary training, advanced specialist training and NATO certification to which naval assets are subjected.

Expertise that allowed Tedeschi to return to the "ranks" of the COMGRUPNAVIN of COMSUBIN, in La Spezia, at the disposal of the Incursion Operational Group and Diving Operations Group in its full efficiency and ready to provide, in relation to its versatility of use, a high added value to the peculiar capabilities of the Navy in supporting the operations of the Special Forces and diving operations at great depths through the installation of a hyperbaric chamber , in addition to the presence, surveillance and intervention in waters of prevalent national interest.