La Spezia, at the Comsubin start the courses to become the Navy raiders and divers

(To Marina Militare)

January has always been a very important month for Diving and Inshore Pools "Teseo Tesei" (Comsubin). In these days, in fact, candidates who aspire to achieve, by attending ordinary courses, the prestigious and famous patent from IncursoreDiver.

The courses are held by the School Raiders and from that Divers and will last 11 months, during which the visitors, found suitable for medical examinations, will undergo an intense cycle of training and selection, to verify their aptitude for the various specialties.

In the coming months, through the Navy's social networks, it will be possible to closely follow the progress of one of the toughest and most selective courses of the Navy, living their training path together with the students, up to the day of obtaining the patent, with the entry of neo-raiders and neo-divers into an elite universally recognized by the Armed Forces around the world.