The Navy assists a Syracusan fishing boat

(To Marina Militare)

This morning the patrolman Commander Cigala Fulgosi of the Italian Navy intervened to provide assistance to the vessel Mariella, of the Syracuse navy, left without propulsion at 65 miles north of Benghazi.

Ship Cigala Fulgosi, patrolling in protection of national fishing vessels as part of the operation Safe Sea, received the distress call and went to the area. The fishing vessel left without propulsion was adrift due to some pieces of rubber hose and nets blocking the propellers. The underwater operators of Nave Cigala Fulgosi intervened releasing the propellers and allowing the Mariella to continue its fishing activity.

The operation Safe Sea has been running since March 2015; the task assigned to the aeronaval device is to perform, in application of the national legislation and of the international agreements in force, activities of presence, surveillance and maritime security in the central Mediterranean, for the protection of national interests, the protection of communication lines, of commercial ships in transit, strategic energy sources of national interest and the fight against terrorism.