The 1st San Marco Regiment trains with the 26th Maritime Expeditionary Unit of the United States Marine Corps

(To Marina Militare)

From 21 to 26 February 2024, the Massafra training center (TA) of the marine brigade Saint Mark, hosted a joint training between marine riflemen of the 1st regiment Saint Mark and the marines of the 26thth marines expeditionary unit (MEU) of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). 

The planning of the activities and their conduct were carried out in perfect synergy and involved the combat sector in urban areas and open spaces, as well as the procedures for requesting fire support.

Both sides benefited from the mutual training by becoming aware of the training techniques and procedures applied, finding multiple points in common and food for thought to further improve the level of readiness and operational efficiency of the units. 

The interaction between the 1st Regiment Saint Mark and 26th MEU of the USMC, already launched in the second half of last year with the embarkation of a platoon of marine riflemen on board the USS Mesa Verde, found the seal in this precious training opportunity which contributed to further strengthening the deep professional bond and esteem between the marine brigade Saint Mark and the United States Marine Corps.