The navy command mission, specifically requested by the Qatar authorities, had the task of training the team of emergency watchmakers in the conduct of special operations for naval assault and hostage release.
This military assistance activity, planned and co-ordinated by the COFS (Inter-Force Command for Special Forces Operations), has developed in several moments that have been engaged in the incursions of the Navy in Qatar, for initial reconnaissance and subsequent activity joint training conducted in the ground and sea polygons of the Qatar's armed forces, both in the training areas of the Teseo Tesei Diving Group and Incursori.
As part of the last phase of the mission, the 15 May 2014 was conducted a final exercise, during which the Emiri Guard team with the support of GOI operators carried out a hostage release operation on Piave ship through the use of RHIBS.
To emphasize the importance of the bilateral agreements between Italy and Qatar, the exercise was attended by the Chief of General Staff of Defense Chief of Staff, team admiral Donato Marzano, Commander of COFS, Division General Maurizio Fioravanti, Commander of Comsubin , Admiral Francesco Chionna and a delegation of Qatar military authorities.
At the end of the tutorial, a sober ceremony took place during which Admiral Marzano wanted to compliment himself personally with the Italian instructors and all Qatar staff for the excellent work they did.
Source: Military Navy