Chironex 2023-2 is a cyber exercise set in a maritime scenario. This edition aimed to test cyber defensive capabilities in dealing with complex attacks aimed against naval units and command and control centers of the Navy. During the activity, technological tools produced in Italy by the DEAS Spa company and based on the use of Artificial Intelligence were tested. A further element of interest was the involvement of the specialists and IT structures of the Carabinieri for the forensic analysis and the development of the defense action and restoration of the normal functioning of the networks and databases subject to attack.
The characteristics and results of the Chironex 23-2 were presented on November 28 at the headquarters of the command in chief of the naval team, from where the Navy exercises command and control of the forces.
The innovative nature of this activity was highlighted, not only for the contents of the exercise, but also for the collaborations with the Armed Forces and industry which are at the basis of the development of the training themes and tested technologies.
Admiral Credendino, Chief of Staff of the Navy, emphasized the fact that in the cyber sector no one can do it alone, and the Armed Forces is determined to provide its contribution to Defense through good practices and technological solutions to systematize with the other Armed Forces, with a dynamic model also based on partnership with industry and responsive to the rapid evolution that characterizes this domain and the growing risks that we must face.
The relevance of Chironex and the virtuous synergies it is generating were also demonstrated by the authoritative interventions of Dr. Ciardi (deputy director of the National Cybersecurity Agency), Dr. Festucci (general secretary of AIAD), by Dr. Folgiero (CEO of Fincantieri), by Dr. Campora (managing director of Leonardo's cyber and security solutions division) and prof. Margelletti (president of Ce.SI) all converging on the need to continue this collective commitment aimed at spreading cyber culture and sensitivity and developing operational and technological development capabilities.