Last 9 September, at the Hangar of the 3rd group of the Helicopter Station of the Navy of Catania (MARISTAELI), the helicopter specialist patents were handed over to 2 aircraft technical officers, 9 mechanical and electronic technicians for helicopters of the NH-90 line and 10 between flight operators and technicians of the Port Authority Corps.
The ceremony for the delivery of the patent to the 21 soldiers, attended by the commander of the air forces, Rear Admiral Marco Casapieri, seals a long and intensive training course, characterized by a theoretical phase aimed at learning the skills on the equipment and systems of the types of aircraft assigned and , subsequently, from practical training activities at the aeronautical maintenance bodies (Flight Groups), aimed at acquiring the necessary skills to carry out helicopter maintenance safely.
The courses and internships office of MARISTAELI Catania, responsible for the basic training of the technical personnel of the Navy and the Coast Guard, from this year conducts its courses in compliance with the new provisions of the AER (EP) aeronautical legislation. which introduce further requirements aimed at standardizing air-naval training procedures on a European scale.
Belonging to the air forces of the Navy means living a unique and exciting experience within a large highly qualified family, capable of operating on the sea and from the sea in support of the population and the country with modern and high-tech aircraft.