"Anti-submarine warfare Research Technology": in Taranto there is talk of NATO doctrine

(To Marina Militare)

From 5 to 9 June, the "Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Technology and Trials workshop" (ASW RTT) was held at the Mar Grande Naval Station in Taranto, a periodic appointment in the field of NATO doctrinal development, organized by the Center Aeronavale Training (MARICENTADD) of the Navy.

During the meeting, which was attended by representatives of the navies of the United States, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Holland, France, Canada, Greece, Germany and the Allied Maritime Command (Marcom) - Central Command of the Maritime Forces of the NATO - tactical aspects related to the struggle under the surface were treated and discussed.

Particular emphasis was given to the analysis of recent technological developments in the anti-submarine field, where the Navy is certainly at the forefront and at the forefront thanks to the entry into service of the new Multi-Mission European Frigates (FREMM) and the revision of the legislation concerning the use of active low-frequency sonar systems.

The Naval Air Training Center of the Navy operates in the sectors of employment of specialized training and training of all personnel of the armed force, as well as being engaged in various cooperation projects with Marines of foreign countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Algeria , Qatar, Bangladesh and Malta.

The event held in Maricentadd, similarly to other similar forums that the Navy promotes in international contexts, represents an opportunity for comparison and strengthening of cooperation with other marinas, with which we share the function we perform: the safeguarding of common goods global (so-called global commons), first of all the sea.

In the new scenarios that are gradually opening up, cooperation, interoperability and the mutual exchange of knowledge is therefore essential.