In particular, the agreement, signed by the rector of the Roman University, prof. Giuseppe Novelli, and the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral of the Giuseppe De Giorgi team, provides for cooperation in the fields of research, innovation, experimentation, training, maritime safety and the protection and protection of marine heritage.
Among the opportunities available to students are the development of research activities, projects and initiatives in the maritime field; participation in workshops, seminars, joint masters, training courses, internships and internships; the development of projects in the field of "Safety, Security, Defense & Intelligence" and in the prediction, prevention, planning and management of crisis situations following natural or terrorist events.
Great attention will be paid to projects for the inclusion of young people in the world of work linked to the culture of the sea and maritimeity, through digital preparation, the use of cutting-edge information and communication technologies, e-learning and underwater archeology, for a more innovative and quality professional approach.
Source: Military Navy