Naval Academy: public information and communication module for students and officers

(To Marina Militare)

The "Public Information and Communication Module" was held at the Naval Academy from 14 to 16 March 2017 in favor of first class attendants and officers of the Special roles e Direct Appointment.

During the seminar, held by the staff of UPICOM., The Office of Public Information and Communication of the Navy, numerous topics were discussed: information tools and objectives, communication strategies within the Armed Force, lacross -mediality, the management of the institutional website and Social Networks both in the private sphere and for service and institutional reasons.

In a society of so-called "digital natives" it is essential to understand, in fact, the potential and criticalities connected with the use of new media and, specifically, the Web. The digital medium, in the century of the "blue economy" is a projection tool maritime, the Italian flag and the country system at an international level. The latter element is even more important in consideration of the fact that soon the students of the first class will carry out the summer training campaign aboard the ship Amerigo Vespucci.

The theoretical lessons and didactic laboratories also had the aim of preparing students to communicate effectively in every situation and in particular when on board the naval team units they represent the function of "Italian ambassadors in the world" in the activities abroad.

Rear Admiral Fabio Agostini, head of the Navy's Public Information and Communication Office, presented the characteristics of integrated communication and the narrative themes of the Navy on the last day of the seminar. Therefore, he concluded the training module focusing on a fundamental aspect, namely the need for an accurate and thorough preparation in the activities related to communication. For this reason the armed force is constantly engaged in the training of personnel, including the officers of tomorrow, who will be directly involved in the aspects of public information.