Naval Academy: Mak π 100 of aspiring midshipmen of the Mizar course

(To Marina Militare)

Saturday 1 July 2017, in the Piazzale Allievi of the Naval Academy of Livorno the "Mak π 100" of the midshipmen of the course took place Mizar.

The event, organized and financed by the aspiring officers themselves, represents a centuries-old tradition of military training institutes which over the years has maintained the spirit that has historically distinguished it. In fact, the expression of astonishment of Emanuele Balbo Bertone of Sambuy, a pupil of the Military Academy close to being nominated as second lieutenant, dates back to the era of the pre-unification Turin of the Savoy, who exclaimed in a Piedmontese accent: "Mac pi sent!", Which can be translated as a " there are just one hundred (days) left! ".

The head of the course, said in the third year "brigadier", illustrated the program of the evening and introduced the first traditional moment: the lowering of the flag and the raising of the banner of the course. During the gala dinner, the aspirants exhibited the charity project chosen in favor of the "Autismo Livorno Onlus" association, with their thoughts turned to a beautiful local social reality. Finally, in the second part of the evening, all the midshipmen gathered around their flag to recall the scream of the course, the same scream created on August 22, 2015 on board the ship Palinuro on the occasion of the birth of the course Mizar.

Particularly significant is the choice of the narrative theme in the evening, developed through images, sets and artistic representations inherent to the key values ​​of the training of official students and the indissoluble link between "innovation" and "tradition", in the commemoration of the centenary of the Great War. For this occasion, in fact, the aspirants wanted to remember those who preceded them in an era marked by a totally different historical context, and in particular, the course Matteini (1913-1917), formed during the central years of the First World War. The course leader at the time, during his opening speech at "Mak π 100", highlighted the essence of this event: "The joy of today seals our greener youth, already no longer unconscious, and opens up our life as men devoted to the Fatherland. We know this well and for this reason our reunion is both joyful and solemn! (...) ".

The "Mak π 100" represents a unique event, an evening that embodies the highlights of the first three years of basic training in the career of the naval officer but also an opportunity to train young officers at the ceremonial.

To the course Mizar, the wish to look at the horizon and the sea by placing the mind, eyes and heart in the same line of sight, at the same instant. "Cum impetu et honore in historiae mare".